360 Flex Feedback - Thanks Community
Author: Thomas Gonzalez
I just got feedback from my 360 Flex session, and I must say it was very pleased to see how many people found the session valuable. It is always very hard when preparing to present technical information to guess what people already know and what they want to learn.
I spent quite a bit of time polishing code and generating some new stuff that I could share with the community, and the reality is that if this were a billable engagement (the work required to prepare for my preso) it would have been a good size project. So I was very gratified to see such positive feedback from the community.
I have not done a lot of public speaking, and as such it is something I am trying to learn how to enjoy more and become more effective at. One of the real challenges I find is how to be engaging and dynamic when discussing detailed technical information. I tend to be more about "here are the facts" and less about "here I am to entertain you." I think there is a happy medium somewhere in the middle that a speaker finds over time, this is something I am striving for.
I look forward to MAX, and even more so the next 360 Flex to have an opportunity to create even more engaging and valuable presentations that I can share with the community.