I will be speaking at MAX 2008

Author: Thomas Gonzalez

Well, it looks like it is official.  I will be speaking at MAX 2008 this year on Data Visualization with Flex.  I am still working out the final details of the presentation.  When I spoke on the same topic in 2006, I did a detailed walkthrough of building a dashboard.  This year, I think I will change it up a bit and more do some highlights of what is possible with little code tidbits and how-to's.  I think this might appeal to a wider audience (and potentially shorter attention spans since my session is going to be at 3:30 on Wednesday November 19th, the last day.)

I would love to get some feedback from the community as to what level to target the session.  Should I stick with beginner level material (i.e. here are all the available components and what they do, or go to a more intermediate advanced level?)   Any comments very welcomed, as I still have a couple of weeks to flush out the preso.


3 Responses to “I will be speaking at MAX 2008”

  1. Unknown

    I'd do a quick fly over of the data visualization frameworks with some pros and cons. I'd also do a survey of the breadth of information that has been visualized just to expand the attendees thinking. Then I'd dive into some code and make sure you had time to really show that binding of the raw data to it's visual aspects.
    -- Mike

  2. Thomas Gonzalez


    Thank you very much for some great ideas on what I could cover off on, I will most likely incorporate some aspect of all of these into the preso.

    - Tom

  3. Unknown

    I like talks that start with a quick survey of the available tools/frameworks. This helps to establish a bias or not.

    As far as detail goes, I'd like to see the novice to expert aspects of connecting to the various data sources.

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