Learning the iPhone SDK

Author: Thomas Gonzalez

I thought it might be interesting to chronicle my learning of the iPhone SDK and building native apps for the iPhone.  I suspect that many engineers like myself will be coming from different development platforms and might find some value in learning from someone else's trials and tribulations of learning how do program for an iPhone.   

Never having programmed for the MAC before this will be a completely new experience.   At this point I don't even own an iPhone, but I see it opening up new markets, distribution channels, and most of all a new way for humans to interact with computer (smart) devices.  For these reasons I wanted to try my hand at creating a native iPhone app.   

Step 1 was downloading the SDK, which was a 2 day exercise in itself, due to glitches at the dev center site at Apple.

After downloading the SDK, I did something I rarely do, and this is start reading the docs.  Usually I just dive in, fire up an IDE and start trying to bang out an application.  In this case since, I have never programmed in objective C nor worked with the Xcode IDE I thought I would start at a higher level.

More to come if my interest does not wane and it appears that these type of posts provide value to others.


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